Again, if there is something here you do not follow just ask and I will respond.
import android.content.Context;
public class Question implements Comparable
/*** Description ***
* This class represents a single question and set of answers.
*** Attributes ***
* cAnswer - Index (in answers[]) of correct answer to question
* answers - Array of strings representing a set of possible answers
* question - String representing the question text
* image - Drawable image created from imageSrc passed in constructor
* level - Integer level number representing the minimum level this question is available at
* c - context
* answerIndex - used to add answers to array
*** Methods ***
* Constructor - intitializes all items to default values
* checkAnswer - returns true when submitted integer representing an array index
* matches cAnswer
* setQuestion, setCAnswer, setImage, addAnswer - setter methods
* getAnswers - Accessor method which returns answers
* getQuestion - Accessor method which returns question
* getImage - Accessor method which returns image
* getCAnswer - Accessor method which returns cAnswer
* compareTo - Returns true only when comparing to same object
private int cAnswer;
private int answerIndex;
private int level;
private String [] answers;
private String question;
private Drawable image;
private Context c;
public Question (Context c)
this.cAnswer = -1;
this.question = null;
this.image = null;
this.answers = new String[c.getResources().getInteger(R.integer.max_answers)];
this.answerIndex = 0;
this.level = -1;
this.c = c;
public void setQuestion(String q)
this.question = q;
public void setCAnswer(int i)
this.cAnswer = i;
public void setLevel(int l)
this.level = l;
public void setImage (String imageName)
int id = c.getResources().getIdentifier(imageName, "drawable", c.getPackageName());
if (id != 0)
this.image = c.getResources().getDrawable(id);
this.image = null;
public void addAnswer (String a)
this.answers[answerIndex++] = a;
public String [] getAnswers()
return answers;
public String getQuestion()
return question;
public Drawable getImage()
return image;
public int getCAnswer()
return cAnswer;
public int getLevel()
return level;
public int compareTo(Object another)
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
if (this.equals(another))
return 0;
return -1;
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