The prime factors of 13195 are 5, 7, 13 and 29.
What is the largest prime factor of the number 600851475143 ?
We are going to assume that a list of prime numbers is NOT available to solve this problem. Still, this question is simple as long as you know one basic law of mathematics: all composite numbers can be written as a product of primes. I'm going to omit the proof (by contradiction) and ask you to just trust me on this. For example,
8 = 2*2*2
9 = 3*3
10 = 2*5
147 = 3*7*7
So now with that little nugget tucked away we can tackle this problem. The solution is to loop through 2 and every odd integer and check whether the integer divides evenly into our subject number. If it does, divide the subject by that integer repeatedly until a remainder is found. Once a remainder is found, continue on to the next integer. Finally, we stop looking for a new integer when our subject equals 1.
You might be thinking, "wait, does that really work?" I assure you, it does. Let's look at our previous examples.
Subject: 8
Integer: 2
Iteration 1: Does 2 divide 8? Yes, so divide 8 by 2.
Iteration 2: Does 2 divide 4? Yes, so divide 4 by 2.
Iteration 3: Does 2 divide 2? Yes, so divide by 2.
Iteration 4: Does 2 divide 1? Nope!... subject equals 1.
Highest prime that divides 8 is 2.
Subject: 147
Integer: 2
Iteration 1: Does 2 divide 147? No, increase Integer.
Iteration 2: Does 3 divide 147? Yes, so divide by 3.
Iteration 3: Does 3 divide 49? No, increase Integer.
Iteration 5: Does 5 divide 49? No, increase Integer.
Iteration 7: Does 7 divide 49? Yes, so divide by 7.
Iteration 8: Does 7 divide 7? Yes, so divide by 7.
Iteration 9: Does 7 divide 1? No. Subject equals 1.
Highest prime that divides 147 is 7.
This algorithm works for ALL numbers. So without further adieu, my solution. With all this in mind, I do not believe my code needs any further explanation.
#include <stdio.h>
int main (void)
long long current = 600851475143;
int i = 3; // start at 3 for primes... we can do this since subject is ODD
int high = 0;
while (1)
while (!(current % i)) // while no remainder
current /= i; // divide and replace
high = i;
if (current == 1)
i +=2 ; // skip all even numbers since not prime
printf ("Highest prime factor of 600851475143 is %d\n", high);
return 1;
Compile and see the answer appear before your eyes.
why have you done. if(current ==1) explain